Always seen
A beautiful
Smile daily
Heard a unique
Laugh rarely
A woman who
Carried herself
I’m pretty sure
She knows
She can get whatever
She wants when she wants
Because of her charm
But deep inside
She needs to be held
She needs to be loved
She can’t erased
The past
But she can write her future
Even with all the wrong
In her past
She can right her future
For better
Once was
Once is gone
What was here to stay
Stayed temporarily
Only thing permanently
In life is death
As her mind crossed
Suicide numerous times
Wanting to get away
From the pain
But somehow
The pain remain
Family in denial
Raped as a child
Eyes red
Anxiety attack
She shivers
As she cries
Looking to run
Wanting to start fresh
As the oranges
Are grown
In the sunshine state
God only knows
If her sunshine is
In that state
Or her sunshine
Is right in front
Of her face
And these dark clouds
Hang Over her head
As the rain is tears
Falling down her face
I wish in my heart
I was her first
And if I can
Have one wish
I would wish
She would’ve
Never felt the hurt
Bet she feels like
She’s cursed
Just like me
Feeling like bad luck
Just surrounds me
Or better yet her
When I’m mad her
I just count to three
She Said
when we do good
Later on
I just ruin the mood
Told me we just going
Hate each other
In my mind
I just want her to
Have faith in
This brother
I know I’m the best
At times
I can be a mess
Yes I caused stress
And u do the same
But ya kisses is just
So sweet no candy cane
I don’t want no problems
I don’t wanna divide
I just wanna remain
Guess that’s division
My vision is to
Love and be the same
It’s always was seen
By you!
Written By B.T.Y. In 2013

April 4, 2016
The words are deeply felt when read! One knows when you've been thru some of those things! I love this ! Keep ur powerful poems spreading!
April 4, 2016
Thank you very much and I'll keep the poetry coming every day... I appreciate it
April 4, 2016
Really Love This One!!
April 4, 2016
Thank you, Glad u appreciate it..