☪️Your energy is currency. If we thought about our energy as transactional, we might be more conscious and careful about who we give access to our accounts. Take a quick pulse check. In everything you do, you’re either making a DEPOSIT or a WITHDRAWL of your energy.☪️ Happy Holy Dey Moors✌🏽✋🏽🇲🇦
“Live Unapologetic”
People will try to tell you what to do with your life and how to live, but it’s not their place. It’s time to live unapologetically and love yourself in the process.
“Meaningful Relationships”
🇲🇦 The most meaningful relationships are achieved when you and others can speak openly to each other about everything that’s important, learn together, and innerstand the need to hold each other accountable to be as excellent as you can be. When you have such relationships with those you work with, you pull each other through ...
“You Came🇲🇦”
You came to Earth by slowing down a part of yourself until it became dense enough to be called physical. The process of birth and death came when the power to speed up the dense part was lost in the confusion of experiencing this new vibratory rate. No one allowed the suspicion to surface that ...
“Access 2 You”
Some people believe they are entitled to your attention without having to behave. They take advantage of your kindness and the respect is not mutual. Don’t be someone who allows others to take advantage of you. This is a reminder. Be firm on what you will and will not tolerate. People who respect you, respect your ...
“Never Underestimate”🇲🇦
You came to earth with tremendous power and light. This power is connected to your purpose -- to what you feel called to do. Do not under estimate this power. Do not waste it. You were sent here to do incredible things. ~James Weeks ☪️🇲🇦✌🏽✋🏽Happy Holy Dey Fam✌🏽✋🏽🇲🇦☪️
“Energetic Cords”
With every relationship in our life, we exchange energy to form a connecting cord with each other. In order to get fresh start, it is essential to cut these cords as keeping these cords intact can only hold us back. To cut energetic cords, anyone can take help from Reiki as it is a very useful ...
“Accept & Love”
“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”
“Infinite Power”
You have infinite power. Once you become aware and recognize your inner power, you’ll begin to feel this power resonate in your mind, body, and soul, giving you the ability achieve anything and everything in life.☪️
“Break Free!”
🇲🇦They want to keep you in the dark. Keep you watching movies, sitcoms, sports, video games and reality shows. They don’t want you finding the truth. They want to keep you distracted with irrelevant nonsense. It’s a mass form of hypnosis. It’s time to break free!☪️