Make time for daily wellness-care, so you have more energy and potential, to manifest greater and greater works in the world.
“This Is Foundation🇲🇦”
🇲🇦This is not a time to give up & resign. Use the obstacles in your path as an opportunity to grow in consciousness, instead of telling yourself that they are too much for you to handle. Look to the spirit, this is your foundation. Apply what you already know and persevere to the end.☪️🇲🇦✋🏽✌🏽HHD Moors✋🏽✌🏽🇲🇦
“Divine Journey”
🇲🇦Take time today to think about the things you’re grateful for. Be grateful for the good & the bad things in your life because they are both taking you further on your journey.✨ 🇲🇦Even the seemingly negative things turn out to be positive at the end because you learn from them and because of them.✨ 🇲🇦You ...
“Reset & Restore”
You don’t have to have something on your calendar to be unavailable. Self Care is a perfectly good reason. No explanation necessary. No matter how self aware we are there’s something inside of us that will over commit ourselves until we fall apart. That something inside of us desperately needs to prove our worth and value ...
“Prophetic Words Pt.1”
“I have the world in a jug, and the stopper in my hand. I have the Asiatic, and I have the European. I have the silver and I have the gold.” Noble Drew Ali said it, Don’t act like you wasn’t never told, Some is going stand & Some is going fold, Unity together, We’ll be a force. Prophet said, “The climate is going to change. The cold weather ...
Blue moon Two orange slices, My uncle gone in the physical But I’ll see him in the spiritual, His mind was sharper then ginsu, Survival game official, In all honesty Eye miss u, So does ya family, Just Know I got us... In Allah we trust! Arm, leg, leg, arm, head, That’s what have, 7 seas 7 chakras No need to do math! You was 47, My birth month 11, When we ...
“Life Is Generous”
Life becomes very heavy when you drag the past into every new day. You can wake up any day and decide that today is the day you will start over again. The beauty of this is that there is no limit on how many times you are allowed to do this. Life is exceedingly generous ...
“Magic Within”
☪️✨Happy Holy Dey Moors✨🗿 Speak abundance and prosperity upon yourself. Uplift your essence; by knowing full well what you are. You are a divine embodiment of Source, of God. Divine energy runs through your veins; it flows through your DNA. Every fiber in your body is pure magic and love. It is what you already know ...
“Be Real”
GRAND RA SUN DIVINE LIGHT BEINGS! Your energy field speaks to me before you even have thoughts about what we will discuss. In the new age, of Highly intuitive people, gaslighting, manipulation, and ownership avoidance doesn't work. We can't exchange Inner-G unless we're both willing to be real. The people we meet are either reflections ...
✨examine your priorities✨ ✨place attention with intention✨ ✨aim for your highest potential✨ ✨be strong in your purpose✨ ✨you will achieve your goals✨ ✨Happy Holy Dey✨