🇲🇦Any dey can be magical if you approach it with an open mind. Start with a positive attitude and a grateful heart. Smile, and decide that todey you will look for beauty and the surprise of things that you don't normally notice. We are always surrounded by an abundance of tiny miracles! Seek those out ...
“Reciprocity Applies“
Whether family, friends, partner, work colleagues, clients, associates whatever the relationship the law of reciprocity applies. If this balance is not maintained disharmony will occur. One side may feel undervalued or drained from constantly giving and receiving nothing in return. This may result in them stepping away completely. Assess your relationships do you return the ...
The principles of Mentalism and Vibration teaches us that our minds create our reality and therefore impact our vibration/frequency. This has become more increasingly obvious as recent world events have dramatically shifted people's mindsets and perception of reality, leaving many with drastically contrasting views. Have you noticed any changes within your relationships, whether partner, family, friends, ...
“Simple Act”
"We have flown the air like birds and swim the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers." ~MLK
“Energetic Cords”
With every relationship in our life, we exchange energy to form a connecting cord with each other. In order to get fresh start, it is essential to cut these cords as keeping these cords intact can only hold us back. To cut energetic cords, anyone can take help from Reiki as it is a very useful ...
“Accept & Love”
“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”
This ancient healing stone absorbs the impact of negative energy, helping us to find balance and healing through trauma and change.☪️
“Prophetic Words Pt.2”🇲🇦
“One day, every wheel of industry is going to stop, and when they start up again, it will be in the Asiatics favor” The Prophet words is major, key alert 🚨 key alert, minus Khaled, the hole runs deeper when following the white rabbit 🐇 “One day, bombs are going to fall so that they won’t miss a spot ...
“Trained For”
These are the times we trained for. If you are not the master of your own destiny sitting on the throne of your consciousness by now you can get wiped out in this thing. The astral is so crowded with all these confused souls lost on the idea realm because they wasted the opportunity given ...
“Divine Journey”
🇲🇦Take time today to think about the things you’re grateful for. Be grateful for the good & the bad things in your life because they are both taking you further on your journey.✨ 🇲🇦Even the seemingly negative things turn out to be positive at the end because you learn from them and because of them.✨ 🇲🇦You ...