Last nite fullmoon was about letting go, releasing, allowing yourself to move forward to the life you actually want, your true desire. Let go and allow yourself to be directed by your hearts true calling.
“1 Of A Kind”
Your light is one of a kind. Honor it. Honor your gifts. Don't hide who you are. Don't hide your beautiful and extraordinary glow from the world, tucking away the very thing that makes you unique. You see, you are supposed to be YOU in this universal dance. So let your divine light shine and ...
“My Gift”
You're a gift to the world, whether you know it or not. You bring something to this world & to your family that no one else but you can do. You are special. Remember that. No matter how many people told you otherwise in your life. You remember what makes you special & rock out ...
“Reflect On 1440”
What wishes and dreams do your rituals carry to the heavens? ♨️Cleansing sage creates a sanctuary to reflect, rejuvenate and commune deeply with your Self. We can deepen our practices by adding ritual from a personal ancestral tradition, or by respectfully experimenting with one from a culture that resonates. Who knows? That resonance may be some ...
“You’re The Master”
☪️I trust that you will so live today as to realize that you are masters of your own destiny, masters of your fate; if there is anything you want in this world, it is for you to strike out with confidence & faith in self & reach for it. — Marcus Garvey🇲🇦 May 1441 be the ...
“Transform In 1441”
Transform your life in 1441 moors! 1441 is the year to alchemize and Soul Shift is leading the way! This epic transformation is written in the stars, reflected by the planets, and we’re aligning to the rebirth here on earth.
“Changed Thoughts”
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ~Albert Einstein
“Pyramid Complex”
Khafre’s monuments have survived better than most and his pyramid makes an impressive backdrop to the Great Sphinx which lies next to his causeway and was probably part of the pyramid complex - Egypt.🇲🇦✨
“Mortuary Temple”
Carved of King Ramses III offering lotus flowers to the goddess Hathor, Medinet Habu, the mortuary temple of Ramses III, Luxor - Egypt.🇲🇦✨
“Spiritual Significance”
Under the energy of the March Equinox (The Actual New Year), we are being called to create balance within ourselves and around the world. We are each being called to find our center and to restore equilibrium to our mind, body, and soul. We are Spirits here for a physical, human journey. Let’s honor that and ...