“Reciprocity Applies“

Whether family, friends, partner, work colleagues, clients, associates whatever the relationship the law of reciprocity applies. If this balance is not maintained disharmony will occur. One side may feel undervalued or drained from constantly giving and receiving nothing in return. This may result in them stepping away completely. Assess your relationships do you return the ...

“Access 2 You”

Some people believe they are entitled to your attention without having to behave. They take advantage of your kindness and the respect is not mutual. Don’t be someone who allows others to take advantage of you. This is a reminder. Be firm on what you will and will not tolerate. People who respect you, respect your ...


The principles of Mentalism and Vibration teaches us that our minds create our reality and therefore impact our vibration/frequency. This has become more increasingly obvious as recent world events have dramatically shifted people's mindsets and perception of reality, leaving many with drastically contrasting views. Have you noticed any changes within your relationships, whether partner, family, friends, ...

“Never Underestimate”🇲🇦

You came to earth with tremendous power and light. This power is connected to your purpose -- to what you feel called to do. Do not under estimate this power. Do not waste it. You were sent here to do incredible things. ~James Weeks ☪️🇲🇦✌🏽✋🏽Happy Holy Dey Fam✌🏽✋🏽🇲🇦☪️


☪️You are a Bringer of the Light, and your current lifetime will bring you absolutely everything you need to awaken to this sacred purpose. You’ve elected to be here, during these times of vast, far-ranging energetic change, in order to make a considerable difference to the status quo. You’re here to literally hold and balance ...