☪️Signs are always around us, it is our level of perception that enables us to notice them. From a butterfly landing on your shoulder, to overhearing a conversation that is relevant to your life, to thinking of someone from your past who suddenly calls you out of the blue are all examples of the way ...
“Death Pledge”
A mortgage is indeed literally a “death pledge”. It’s thought that the “death” involved in the mortgage’s ominous “death pledge” isn’t that of the debtor (yeah ok) but rather either the debt itself, or the estate against which the debt is secured. That is to say, by entering into a mortgage, you “pledge” to continue paying ...
“Safe Haven”
🇲🇦A safe space starts from within. When we begin to treat ourselves with the love, kindness, & respect we want to receive, we find a safe haven that can't be taken away.☪️
“Serve All”
Today, plant your seeds of love. Each day you wake up give love enough sun, oxygen and water to grow. What you nurture, grows and the harvest will serve all.✨🤲🇲🇦Happy Holy Dey Moorish Americans🇲🇦
Breathe and let things be… we simply cannot control everything and we can tear ourselves apart physically and mentally worrying about things that are completely out of our control..So breathe and just let it be for todey…what will be will be. Don’t spoil your todey’s worrying about yesterdey or tomorrow.
“Part Of The Process”
Even on the spiritual path, things are not always going to be rosy. There will be difficult situations and people, bad days, and hard times all along the way. You have moments, days, sometimes weeks when you will doubt yourself. Just know, it is all part of the process. ✨Happy Holy Dey✨
“Follow The Spirit”
In order for the roads, portals + doors to open….. you must turn your back on many people, places + things. At this point, you must be loyal to you and your Journey. Follow the spirit, rather than the practical and conventional... Move about, experience + learn. The spirits are guiding you. There is infinite potential before ...
“Stay Away”
"Stay away from people who think you are arguing every time you try to express yourself or make you feel guilty when you stand up for your life." Artist Credit: Hot Mama Sun Goddess by Max Sansing
R E L A X: “Sometimes she just wants to lay her head on your lap as you read, whether you're reading silently or out loud to her. That bond of closeness is something indescribable and something that you can only do with that 'one'.” - @purposelyawakened . . . 📸
“Complete Perfection”
"The budding and blossoming of a flower reflects the process of creation that unfolds in the Upper World as well as the Lower World, which is our physical universe. As a seed contains the entire flower, the original thought of creation contains the creation as a whole, including its final and complete perfection."