“Get Real & Focused”


“Know that everyone you meet is preparing you for the big love. This goes for romantic partners, family, friends, coworkers, everyone. The good, the bad, and the ugly, they all have a part to play in this grand adventure. Embrace others, but let go of attachment to outcome.

Remember that you don’t know the lessons that others need to learn. You might think you do, but you don’t. Their path is theirs alone, just as your path is yours.

Everyone you meet has a role to play in your journey, just as you have a role to play in theirs. Understand that the only thing you can control in this life is how you choose to show up.

So show up with the intention to make everyone you meet feel comfortable in their own skin, starting with your own. Show up with an open heart and a grateful spirit.

Show up wanting to understand and embrace, but also show up respecting yourself enough to know when a situation is no longer serving you. Show up willing to release those who aren’t ready to love you just yet.

And it’s okay to feel hurt when someone can’t be who you want them to be…just get clear on why you are hurting and what you are wanting. Are you open to receiving love, or do you just want control?

Are you actively seeking the best in others, or do you just want validation of your own lovableness? Get real with yourself.

Get real and then get focused. Focus on the energy of love rather than the form it takes. Because once you stop trying to control what is not yours to control, you allow yourself to be delighted by others.

You enjoy getting to know people for the sake of getting to know people, not with a hidden agenda, not trying to fit them into this idea you have of who they should be and how they should fit into your life.”

  • Phi
    January 30, 2020

    This message was just what my soul needed! So often we blame ourseleves for others perceptions and reactions. Thank you so much for the clarity!

    • KING B.T.Y. EL
      February 4, 2020

      It’s what’s the doctor ordered, appreciate you empress!


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