What greater good can one have than to live for one purpose, one great aim: to right the wrongs in history; that given this life focus on the same goals, the same skills, values, education, training and commitment we can project our best hope across geography and history as surely as if a single person were able to live, think, and act in different incarnations, across millennia?
What is a more honorable mission to have than a mission in life that ends our suffering, helps our wounded to heal themselves, the hungry to feed themselves, the naked to clothe themselves, the homeless to house themselves, bring swift justice to the innocent, comforts our sorrow-stricken, empowers our powerless, rebuilds our shattered lives, and defends our children?
What greater reward can one have than to initiate the turning of the tables, when we won’t be denied; to know this time that we will win because we have prepared to no lose again; to know in our hearts that in the blood of our blameless ancestors lay the seeds of our own redemption and rebirth?
What greater feeling can one have than to know that we won’t be stopped this time, that the world could be given, and it would not be enough; that our cause is so priceless that it cannot be bought or sold, that we will not be satisfied until all sacred accounts have been settled; until our children are no longer slaughtered sheep in the wilderness because of our heartlessness?
~Tdka Kilimanjaro

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