Seeing how so many of us, in all walks of life, aware and unaware alike, are going through the layers of peeling away the things within that don’t serve themselves and the collective. Sometimes the layers are gently pulled away and sometimes it might feel as if your entire body has been shattered and the pain just too great to bear.
In that moment, if it does happen, blissed if not, remember you are simply cleansing your current embodiment. Like polishing a diamond. Your light and brilliance is so magnificent. Never give up, for when you feel totally alone and isolated know that you are loved and Are love. There is no separation. We are all connected. This is becoming so prevalent as we awaken deeply. I had the most magnificent out of body experience where it was no conflict, turmoil or sense of separation.
The I is We. They all work harmoniously for the greater good of All. After feeling this frequency, goodness it was hard to come back down to Earth, where as a whole we are not there yet. But the amazing collective I was able to see and feel is such a beautiful and hopeful reminder that we can and will get there! Be open to your heart’s greatest capacity, the words… I am ready are powerful catalysts for any manifestation.
What do you wish to see on Earth? Focus on the most beautiful vision of what you’d like you create. Feel the love that connects us all and spans throughout the Universe. I love you. I care for you deeply. And wish for your greatest dreams to come true.🕯️✨💜☪️🇲🇦

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