“Moorish Alchemy”

Moors must remember who they really are. Alchemy is defined as a magical process of transformation, creation. For some it is the transmutation of base metal into gold or the research of a universal elixir. Those who were considered alchemists were the people who possessed the most advanced knowledge. The origin of the word is strongly tied to Moorish Americans but many people tried later to give the credit to Arabs. The truth is that alchemy came from al-kimiya which means the science of KEMET. Kimiya came from Keme and Kmt meaning moors in the ancient civilization.

The whole world knew that the masters of science, those who understood the universe were the moors. There is even a decree of Diocletian, written about 300 AD in greek that speaks against the ancient writings of Kemet that treated about khemia, the transmutation of gold and silver. We can see that by definition science was related to moors. Africa was seen as a land of greatness, knowledge and power. Nothing to do with what we are being told today. The time is now to go back to our true selves. YOU are the root of SCIENCE and KNOWLEDGE by definition. Knowledge is the key! Know thyself ✨

  • Zoeann Lumpkin
    September 1, 2022

    I'm so glad I'm finding out who I am. I knew something was not right. It took me 58 years to find out what it was. And all I can say IS OMG. IM IN SHOCK I SEE WHY THEY WHENT THROUGH THE TROUBLE FOR US NEVER TO FINDS OUT. Much blessings for your guidance.

    • B.T.Y. EL
      September 7, 2022

      Thank you and continue to put the work in, it’s never late!


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