🖐🏽✌🏽Happy Holy Dey🖐🏽✌🏽
🕯️Happy Venus Day✨
🇲🇦You can’t just think yourself to a new life. That’s the first step, but in order to truly transform your life you must BECOME a new person on an inner level. This means you have to completely change your energetic relationship with the universe. A lot of people subconsciously block their own blissings and then blame others instead of realizing they have the power to change.
If you want a peaceful, prosperous, fulfilling life you have to become that person on an inner level. This sounds simple but it’s not because many people are habitually in a negative karmic cycle based upon their past thoughts + actions. We can talk about being spiritual all day, but nobody can do the work for you. There are no days off when it comes to working on yourself. Aśè☪️

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