Feeling all alone In this cold world What can I do To feel your warm Touch and kiss You're my sunshine Through the dark Stormy skies I'm trying to change As if I'm a dollar bill 4 quarters Equals 4 months Divided by 12 4 ever I will Love u Through your brown Eyes I can see your soul Cheeks getting red Smiling Waiting for me To come home Somehow Someway Tears ...
I did it for us No matter how I look at things No matter how u look at things Being genuine Replaces those things Love Loyalty Respect Came from the foundation We've build Whether friendship Or a relationship Whether you call Whether you text Whether you moved on Or Whether I just needed space I did it for us I know it hurts The pain The emotions The anger It was ...
It's hard to reach these kids today, for one they swear they're grown, but don't have bill to pay, for two, they don't wanna listen to what you have to say. It goes through one ear out the other, even with my father not apart of my life at this certain time, I thank God for ...
She’s having a hard time Things will get better girl I hope I cross ya mind In due time Things will look up Instead of down Once in awhile We fall down To the ground And my hand Is right there To pick u up Wings on ya back So you can fly back And tell the non believers I hope u believe That I'm back We ...
I feel cursed When the worst Situation happens And it hurts My stomach To my heart I'm ripped apart In this world With jealousy And envy I'm Bty Go ahead & Hate me Wanna get rid of me Then do it Want me lose my cool My anger My frustration They want me to lose Strip me of what I love I do what I does The best of me ...
Written By Kimberly Almond I loved you when no one else did, But I was never good enough. I held you down, when you were In lockdown… But still I was Never good enough. My heart, mind, body & soul was Yours for the take, but all you wanted To do was lie, cheat & steal, damn, I guess I was ...
“I See”

I see, I see hurt, I see angry, I see love, I see a lady, That can Overcome so much, Despite all of what She does... I see, Beauty along With sparkles In ya eyes, I see, So much hurt From the tears That was once In ya eyes, I see, A woman, Who wants so much, A woman that Wants to be loved And touched, I see, A woman who Needs affection, Needs direction, And wants to be perfect, & does ...
She told me "Don't be like me all your life taking care of others and at the end just find yourself alone with nothing no ambition, just waiting to die" Deep ain't it Well the past Can affect us In ways Where we don't wanna be here Where we live And don't have a fear Losing a loved one Year after year Makes ...
I sat & broke hearts My whole life Now I'm alone With this broken heart While the others Healed up And while they was healing I was breaking my own Heart While they was hurt I was hurt even more Why... Because my heart Was broken from the start WRITTEN BY B.T.Y. IN 2013
Pain from the past Haunts your present Destroys your future I need to know why I need to know how To let it all go Because if she is a gift She is my present And I need to unwrap it To see my future That was once haunted By nobody but me All along I was my own ghost Destroying it all. Written By B.T.Y. ...