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If you know what She had been through In the past, Then you'll understand And stick with her forever, But if you don't understand her You won't be together. You wonder why she acts this way, Take timeout and think about it... She went through something No woman should have ever went through and its sticks with every woman til this day, what is it ...


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Can you listen to me! Hear what I have to say For a change. You always try to Make me look like the bad one Is it you can't admit When your wrong, I can, but keep in mind, I will argue my point, And it'll be strong, But after the fact, It's over and done with. Why is their a need to Keep bringing up the past, Why ...


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As I think of you I can and can't See myself with you, You're similar to a library A top shelf book, I'm trying to get to you, Open you up, & read you, Your mind, your heart, From beginning to ending, If I get that far but wherever I get, I'll use my bookmark, To remember where I left off... I don't wanna put you down Nor ...


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Right now my mind can't think But it'll come to me, Like a pigeon do bread Mike G. I didn't forget What you said. All I need is a hand As if I'm a physic, No predictions, No crystal ball, I'm just living in the present, My future isn't promise, But I plan for it, Just in case, I am here tomorrow... I'm just thinking, In my mind I could ...