I never knew How to handle this I never thought I would've went Through this Notice I said I Because I wasn't thinking About you All I was doing Was thinking about I, And I watch, I Ruined us, This can't be This can't How could I How did I Let this come to this The coldness The loneliness The heartaches The pain You felt I never knew Written By B.T.Y. ...
My name is B.T.Y. It means better then you, only if you take it that way, it's for the people that's degrading me In every way possible. I am a 21 year old Scorpio therefore I am a perfectionist. I try to do everything to its highest power no matter what it is. I will ...
Loyalty over everything You wear it All the time You stay on my mind Similar To a thought, And I thought of you Making life Brand new, False lies, Telling each other Everything, Chemistry we have is So true, Listening to Erykah badu Next lifetime, Could that be I don't wanna See you Next lifetime, I wanna make it Right this lifetime And that's the truth. Written By B.T.Y. In 2016
Wishing upon a star No matter how dark Life gets Your my shining star Where ever you go I will never be far Cuz I'm close in your heart U might fall But you always Get up quick And brush it off Questions and thoughts Cross my mind All the time Sometimes We have to accept What's given And what's not given Might be right And what's wrong Shall hopefully be Forgiven This image that isn't Portrayed is ...
“By You”
Always seen A beautiful Smile daily Heard a unique Laugh rarely A woman who Carried herself Highly I'm pretty sure She knows She can get whatever She wants when she wants Because of her charm But deep inside She needs to be held She needs to be loved She can't erased The past But she can write her future Even with all the wrong In her past She can right her future For better Once was Once is gone What ...
“Give & Take”
Written By Jessilyn Rodriguez You took it all My Strength My energy My thoughts My love My heartbeat My happiness My pain Tear stains My melody Mixed misery My heaven's You corrupted me My faith I lost everything My crown On the ground My flesh Stripped You battered me My last breathe You took it all All away from me Give and take (more…)
“Took It All”
You took it all, My hands To not touch My legs To not walk My brain To not think My eyes To not see My ears To not hear You took it all When I had nothing I gave you my little I did have, When I had something I gave you even more Of what I did have, My kindness for weakness You took it all Now that ...