Time is passing so quickly, The question is, can you keep you keep up with it? Part of the day is light, part of it, is dark, as a little one, I've heard my grandma say, what's done in the dark Eventually comes out in the light, she also said, you make your bed hard, you gotta lay ...
Some block you & unfollow you To just follow you back and to unblock you again. Somebody tell me something. When things go wrong you can't just block shit you don't like You deal with that shit you don't like, Unless it 100% clearly done with that shit, then this doesn't pertain to you.. It pertains to those ...
“Déjà Vu”
Déjà Vu, I seen you in my past life, Dreams are reality, We accomplished so much As we live this life... Am I awoke or dead, Vision is blurred I still see me And still see you... My third eye says This is true If so, I love you I know I saw you before, Damn, Déjà Vu Written By B.T.Y.
"Queen" I will listen to her I will bow to her I will treat her With the upmost respect, She's my number one priority, I will care for her, I will have her back After everyone has bashed it in, I will massage her, After long days and nights I will kiss her, I will always remind her, That she is my "Queen" Written By B.T.Y.
"KING" So many days So many nights Tossing and turning, Gut feelings, Doubts in my mind, With negative thoughts, Of who they'd want me to be And I shall not become that. As they foresee I, As a follower, a servant, As they dreamt, In reality I wear this crown👑 I sit on this throne They were afraid Of Who I become Because they never Wanted me to become A MAN A POET A LEADER A ...
“Progress Is A Weapon”
Some of us Aren't molded into What we could be... Some of us are under privilege, Some of us aren't, As far as me, Knowing the struggle Makes it easy for me To succeed, To take the tools That wasn't given to me, In order to lead, therefore progress Is the best weapon we Have & not know It, Besides our minds, We all have power We need to use it. Written By ...
“Road Of Love Signs”

From a crack in the road I was once in the gutter, Working on me, so I'm Under construction... Everything was one way With you, never did you stop, Never did you yield, I'm stating Facts, & keeping it real... We saw the signs, Road closed ahead, U chose to kept going, I detoured instead. Written ...
“Just Like You”
All theses poems I hope y'all hear me I want y'all near me As I paint this visual How I was living miserable In this E R Living critical Emergency room No y'all... More like this escape route Negative thoughts & I'd Personally had doubts, About never making it, Suicide thoughts That's why this lion roars Dreams of suicide doors Money stashed in the ...
“No Reply”

I text No reply Hours passed Still no reply Days passed Guess I feel You don't care Question is Why should I Because I'm a different Kind of guy Yea it's fucked up But still We both crossed paths To be in each other lives For a reason & Reason is & Truth is I can't get you off My mind I'm sorry I lied I'm sorry I made you cry I'm sorry for being sorry Giving you ...
“Always Loved”
I always loved Pick your battles Because a Lot of leeches Sucking blood Like Dracula Yea we argued And you used to flip on me No spatchula Forever we be talked about like Hitman herns & Marvin haglar.... Classic But we're not boxing Space got us no where Due to everything being crowded Everyone was doubting ...