“Saw All Along”
Never was mad I'm only glad That you made it, Reminiscing on times Where we both was faded, Now I'm gone Something I saw All along, Did & threw dirt up On your lawn & Yes I was wrong, So I'm on my own, Feeling all alone, This is the quiet, Before the storm. Written by KINGBTY
“Just To Satisfy You”

You were my wife, My life, My hopes and dreams, Marvin said that, Things get real, When we say things, And do things, We can't take back, My soul was on fire, You were my only desire, Neither one of us, Should be living a lie, And once that happens, We should say goodbye, It's much too late for you & I, God knows we tried. Inspired by Marvin Gaye Written by ...
Finally got you face to face, I can see the tears roll down, I can see your heart broke, Shhhhh don't talk, Let me make it better, He didn't do what he was suppose too, Well let me make it better for you, Let me show you the way, Follow this king, By my side, Let's start today, Face to face. Written by KINGBTY
“A Kid From Newark”

I'm just a kid from Newark The streets Made me weary, Skeptical, Be careful who you Let next to you, I was In & out different schools, My mom said be a leader, Not a follower, So I made my own rules, Still in Newark till this day, My poetic message Is to help the youth, Write their feelings down And somehow, someway, Get out of Newark someday. Drugs, fiends, guns, money, Run ...