“The Vault”

She was in her vault, Damn how'd she get locked in, In a world full of sin, As she knocked on the glass Asked me, can I let me in, To join her, the temptations, I was facing, the lust, I wanted to join her, She didn't wanna get out, She like being content, She didn't like balance, She thrived for being At the deep end, On ...

“Ascending Frequency”

Negative toxins That's all in you, I'm neo in the matrix I'm blocking you, I'm blocking it, In order! Your chakra needs to be in, It's way off, I mean way off, My energy is sky high, I refuse for it to be ground level, As if your in the airport & I'm in the air... Wait! While I teleport, to a Different dimension, I mentioned, But I did mention, I'm star I ...