Advice for people in their 20s from someone who’s just entered their 30s.... 1. Don’t waste time being fearful: go for that job that you’re certain you’re not gonna get. What’s the worse that can happen? You are rejected, but you gain interview experience. Self-doubt is really a waste of time. 2. Live in the present. Yes, ...
“Can I”(Freaky Friday)
Can I Just tell you how pretty you are while I suck your titties and make you nut? Please.
“Personal Calling”
“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of ...
“Kemet Cats”
They were held & treated as royalty for centuries prior too european “exploration,” & invasion. Everything that was uniquely African & Black was turned into something negative to benefit their agenda. Seek truth, Know thy self & your History!
“Step up as a creator and ask. If we don’t ask how can we receive” The Awakened State We’re all co-creators, don’t forget your power, Remember who you truly are ♥
The secret of getting rid of fear is courageously opening the doors of your heart One of our greatest fears in life is experiencing the very thing that we all crave the most …LOVE. Often this is because we unconsciously cling to an hurtful past and do will whatever we can (under the influence of fear, ...