“Stay Away”

Stay Away From the Doctor. The ‘good physician’ Imhotep giving advice to a sick man. In previous times, if such advice led to the death of the patient it could also lead to the death of the doctor. Patrick Nicolle (British, 1907-1995). 
Original artwork from Look and Learn Book 1984.

“Replace Negative Thoughts”

Change the negative thought into a positive one. If you’re worried and focusing on what could go wrong in a situation, change your thoughts to what could go right. Your mind can only think one thought at a time, so changing the negative into a positive eliminates the negative. Image rp @blissinmemeditation 
#4biddenKnowledge (at Positive Action)

“Give Thanks To Us”

It was a massacre! Columbus didn’t discover North America it was an invasion! The Indians were already here he was knighted by the Queen to come over here 1492 & take over the land & once they started murdering people & exiled the others, they started coming for us in 1555 until they settled in ...