“Complex Structure”

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The reality is a complex structure of light reflecting off of another more dense form of energy. That energy has a program within it, of shapes, and frequencies that house the ideas of you, me and everything in this existence here.


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Thank you all for the birthday wishes, Most of all taking time out to wish me a happy birthday, it means a lot, 32 will be magic as if I played for the lakers, or better yet Sandy Koufax on the Brooklyn Dodgers, I’m epic, I’m special, If I’m in Cleveland, I’m Jim Brown, better ...


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Dick Gregory on Frankenstein I told Momma, ‘I just saw Frankenstein and the monster didn’t scare me’¨, wrote Gregory in his essay, Dreaming of a Movie (1968). “But now that I look back, I realize why I wasn’t frightened. Somehow I subconsciously realized that the Frankenstein monster was chasing what was chasing me. Here was a ...


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“Backshots/Split” Up late at night, Thinking of you, How I was swimming in you, Side strokes, grabbing your tits, As you yell, fuck me more, That I gave, I’m giving you this big cock, Like the clock on flava flav, Yea boiiiiii, it’s that serious, Turned you on your stomach, Face down, ass up, backshots, How I like it, point, blank, period. Delirious, is how I’m feeling, Smacking ...