“Prayer To Sobek”

Prayer to Sobek Sobek, Lord of All Waters Father of Rivers, life-giving one Perfect and mighty god be praised Ever strong lord, destroyer of demons and of the evil one Apep Cursed are your enemies with fear Blessed are your children with joy Hail to you Sobek of the waters, Sobek of the low fields Mighty Sobek, of Heaven and earth be praised Great ...

“Prayer To Sekhmet”

Prayer to Sekhmet Praise onto you Sekhmet, swift and terrible one Mighty lioness, unstoppable and feared Queen of many nations, vanquished and victorious Lady of life, protector of the earth Lady of death, devourer of all things Mistress clothed in fire, whose breath scorches and destroys be praised Goddess of power, goddess of strength Hail to you oh ruler of rage, ...

“EL Shabazz”

The brainwashed black man can never learn to stand on his own two feet until he is on his own. We must learn to become our own producers, manufacturers and traders; we must have industry of our own, to employ our own. The white man resists this because he wants to keep the black man ...