That’s because they believe every lie a liar has told them and no matter how much insight you give them, they are determined to not see it. Happy Birthday ✨D’Ante🙏
Eye saw me once in a casket Face hard, Eyes closed, Only eye know... What’s next, Opened my eyes up Hopped out the casket, Still my shell laying there, Eye got moor work To get done before eye leave here, And if eye don’t finish Then my Superman gotta finish What we started Eye wrote these books B.T.Y. the author Pass the blueprint to my sun, Eye show you how it’s ...
It’s going take a minute, But when it’s all said & done Just know we won, Rise and grind, Thanks to the creator, For creating a legend, To leave a legacy, Adding onto my family tree, Eye know their going remember me, For centuries, Beware of the jealousy And envy, eye was told It’s not for everybody, And know everybody, Ain’t for you, Tricks on you If anything, Eye realized ...
Explaining the Mathematics…..The 144 Body Naids 144 thousand refers to the bodys nadis or energy centers of the primary chakras that serve as portals to awaken divine energy or Ase or kundalini and finally the third eye or seat of soul where you become godself..the 144 thousand ascending to heaven is a metaphor for the meridians ...
The accumulation of acids in the body are some of the ill effects of eating toxic foods. Strawberries, with their impressive content of antioxidants and detoxifiers, can effectively help to eliminate acid in the body. Many of these acids are the primary causes of arthritis, gout and many other irritating and debilitating conditions.
“Our purpose in life is to leave a legacy for our children and our children’s children. For this reason, we must correct history that at present denies our humanity and self-respect.” - Queen Mother Moore “You’ve got to be prepared to lose your life in order to gain your life.” “Millions of my peoples stand Pleading at the ...
Eyes on my jewels, As eye drop them, Knowledge is really power Once you concur, Life isn’t a bore, It may seem that way On some days, Eye know eye have felt that way, Until eye got enlightened, Now I’m on go It’s no stopping, Went from personal to commerce, B.T.Y. Promotions Eye am here to consult, Information eye will disburse Never looking to be reimbursed But if that times comes ...
Once u know, You'll grow, And once you grow, The moor you will know, Keep your focus, Pay attention To the notice, To whom may concern, Everything is black & white Eye have learned... You either in or you out Eye been through a lot, So don’t compare to me, Everyone is in their Own lane over here, Eye had to boss up And create my own lane, Now we all bosses, We ...