Black gold... If they painted you blue we'd still know it was you A sister's shape is not hard to mistake Slim or thick you're always a hit The the subject of hate And cosmetic fakes... But I'm gonna be bold... cos you need to be told: You're. Worth. Your. Weight. In. Gold! Unknown
“Am I Free”
Eye see the future, No nightmares My dreams are reality, While standing on elm street Eye been God sent, With a God state of mind You wouldn’t overstand, So that’s why they envy, Eye don’t need a big house Eye don’t need a luxury car, Materialistic things isn’t for me, Spirituality! Now that, Was meant for me, But the universe aligns These materials, Just be humble And ...
“3 2 5”
523pm or Am Eye see, But backwards, Eye know what’s meant, Never would eye crossed that fence, Without you Forever eye got you, No matter what... The sunshine’s Not without you, Always in the front, Driver or passenger, No moor stress Just laughter, And helping others Help others, We came a long way And we helped each other, Thanks to some others, 523pm or Am Eye see, All smiles, Energies and frequencies Are all high, Stay with ...
“Words Of Encouragement”
My Mission on this Planet of Existance is to awaken those who have ears to hear, and the EyE to see with Clarity what is truly going on and inspire you to look within yourself to see what are you here on this earth to do for humanity...Starting with Self Knowledge and Not the Hype, ...
“Fear Is Prison”
Fear is a Prison of your Mind..And it is what is behind Anger and Hate! Hate is from FEAR..THe Fight or Flight Mode we hear about and not quite really understood. We use all kinds of things to numb us and distract us from dealing with the real enemy that is within.."US" It is the ...
The energy we project gets its geometry from the Consciousness we hold.
“You’re Powerful”
Be the Creator you were meant to be. I once had five disease processes two of which were life-threatening. I taught myself Metaphysics after I realized I had already healed myself. I seen that it was not for just me, it was for others to know the power they have within themselves. You are a ...
“Journey Into Self”
Wherever You Go, East, West, North Or South, Think Of It As A Journey Into Yourself! The One Who Travels Into Itself Travels The World. Shams Tabrizi
“Higher Teacher”
"Every man’s true teacher is his own Higher Self, and when the life is brought under the control of reason, this Higher Self is released from bondage to appetites and impulses, and becomes priest, sage and illuminator." ~Manly P. Hall Happy Birthday Uncle✨5/5
“Command Energy”
COMMAND YOUR ENERGIES In order for energy to respond, there must be a command on your part. Belief in oneself comes from knowing oneself. You cannot rely on the diversity of other people’s opinion about you. Look at your own opinion about you. Then, get to know yourself better How can energies reflect anything other ...