The African Renaissance Monument in Senegal, larger that the Eiffel tower and the statue of liberty .. Things you don’t see in mainstream media.
Know Thyself by Naim Akbar (E-book) How wonderful it is to taught by a free teacher, a spiritual teacher, a member of our family who truly loves the family, an architect of tranforming processes, a defender of African people, a beacon, a Son of Africa, a divine spirit manisfesting our creative genius. Thousands of thousands ...
African Origins of the Major “Western Religions” first published in 1970, continues to be one of Dr. Ben’s most thought-provoking works. This critical examination of the history, beliefs and myths, remains instructive and fresh. By highlighting the African influences and roots of these religions, Dr. Ben reveals an untold history that is completely unknown, Dr. ...
On Christmas day 1837, 176 years ago, the Moors and Native Americans who formed Florida’s Seminole Nation defeated a vastly superior U.S. invading army bent on cracking this early rainbow coalition and returning the Moors to slavery. The Seminole victory stands as a milestone in the march of American liberty. Though it reads like a ...
The Haitian Revolution was led by Moor Toussaint L’Overture, born in 1743, in an effort to equalize master and slave. His effort, which began in 1791 in Saint Domingue as an uprising of enslaved Africans, eventually created the independent state of Haiti, bringing the vile institution to the attention of the world. L’Ouverture also worked ...
Born in 1787, South African King Shaka Zulu was drafted into the military at 23. He rose through the ranks at a rapid pace, proving to be especially skilled in battle strategy and tactics. He became the chieftain of the Zulu in 1816 when his father passed away. Shaka Zulu developed several methods of battle, ...
Moor Tariq ibn Ziyad was a Moslem general who led the conquer of Spain. This war is said to be one of the most influential wars of Moslem history. Beginning in 711, and ending in 720 with the majority of the Iberian Peninsula under Moslem rule. This move helped to cease oppression of the inhabitants ...
Moor military history is considered one of the oldest in the world. These militaries were led by some of the greatest leaders in time. Here’s a look at seven of the most extraordinary commanders in history: Born in 247 B.C., while there is no picture of Hannibal in existence, the coin pictured above is often used ...
A Pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty and King of the Kingdom of Kush in northern Sudan, Moor Taharqa succeeded his father Piye, who was said to be the first of a series of Nubian kings who ruled throughout Egypt for nearly a century. Moor Taharqa led one of the strongest armies, and main international forces ...