Grand Rising Beautiful and Handsome Kweens and Kings, The InnerG of those that came before Us fills Our Being, Our Existence. May it lead Us into Greater Days and Knowledge of Self. Have a Marvelous Day and a Wonderful Weekend, Rise, and Be Greatness! ☀️
“Moor Tantra”
Moor tantra is a form of tantra oriented towards exercising certain magical powers(siddhis). The human body can be powerful. The human mind can be powerful. Combined magic can occur. #Sexmagic uses sexual energy to envision certain desires during orgasm which then come true... real life. It’s the power of body and mind. Power releases also dark forces. Using #tantratechniques to project alternative realities (levitation) and/or to overpower other people. This has more ...
I'm so grateful. I have clean clothes on my body. I'm not going hungry or thirsty. At times I can even afford to help someone that is not as fortunate. I'm so grateful. I am blessed enough to have a job and take care of my son and mom. I'm so grateful. At times I ...
“You’re God”
"Sometimes God challenges you to find strength you don’t have. Only like this will you go beyond your imagined limits. You must be pushed so far that you are forced to be humble. Only then, when your pride and arrogance are crushed, will you discover muscles that are not yours. You will find and use ...
“Emotion Code”
TRAPPED EMOTIONAL ENERGY "What you may not realize is that some of the negative emotions you've experienced, even though you may have felt them long ago, may still be creating problems for you in subtle, yet very damaging ways. Many people have found that when they free themselves of their trapped emotions they are able ...
"Let me ask you, dear Hue-man BEing, within your own thinking process, right now, about yourself, how do you define the Soul? If I ask you, who is it? Would you say 'It's Me'? Does it FEEL like you? The answer is You have no idea. Not really. You're not really AWARE of it. What ...
“Moor Love”
Black Love is the key to the universe and Black Women so happen to be the key masters waiting to crown their king. Black Women the the beginning and end all came from them and that’s how it’ll always be, no other woman can replace her no matter how much they want to be her. When there ...
“When Women Ruled”
“Female rulers are a rare phenomenon–but thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, women reigned supreme. Regularly, repeatedly, and with impunity, queens like Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, and Cleopatra controlled the totalitarian state as power-brokers and rulers. But throughout human history, women in positions of power were more often used as political pawns in a male-dominated society. ...
“Religion & Spirituality”
“…spirituality was here before religion was here and foreigners turned spirituality into religion and turned the religions against each other, and said that God ordained what they were doing, therefore making God a bigot, and accomplice to their deeds. You have not examined religion well enough to understand that you can be a very ...
A Selk’nam couple with their baby, on a ship en route to be exhibited in Europe as “wildmen”. The Selk’nam people are an indigenous tribe in the Patagonian region of Southern Argentina and Chile. Both appear to have slight damage on their ankles from cruel, probably iron, restraints. The fear and confusion on their face is haunting. ...