
Eye been a ghost  To this physical world, All this pressure my whole life Made me see gems, And made me a diamond in the rough, In this realm This big illusion, All confusion, If you don’t know And maybe you don’t wanna, It was never about the money, It’s the building which made me Have hunger, For our greater purpose  And eye know... One might hurt you for what They ...

“Dust To These Ashes”

Been awhile since eye wrote... Dust to these ashes & eye am not blowing smoke... Peace to all the gods and goddesses  Before eye go, At least eye tried to get to him, Planted the seeds  A long time ago, Now it’s water over the bridge  Eye don’t talk on old newsfeed, Eye am a prophet, Eye am rocket, Hakeem the dream Olajuwon  Mixed with James Harden, Eye am ...

“Best Part”(B.T.Y. MIX)

Sweeter then a peach Out of Georgia,  Tight & close  Is where eye wanna hold ya, But eye know the end will come And it when it does... They’ll know love, They’ll know us, Forever we’ll be in touch, Our spirits is connected To the realms of the universe... Eye am digging you As if your going through ur purse, What time you’ll be ready? Eye will pull up ...