“Kai-EL 1st Solar Return”

One year ago @2:40am You entered this realm... My sun Kai-EL, Before Superman existed You was here, Our ancestors led you back So you can do it all over again  Without any fear, Honor thy mother, Honor thy father, The circle 7 is key but the Key to all the doors Is within you and you shall see, Your great, great grandma  Ruby is full Cherokee, And Cherokee is the original EL ...

“Thankh Us Moors”

http://www.rvbeypublications.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/thanksgivingbycheryllofton.pdf <<<<<<<THANKSGIVING>>>>>>> by Cheryl Lofton Wooding-Bey courtesy of Louise Ock-El And now for a little history lesson.... ....Consider the following which is not typically taught to the people. It all began in the year 711 A.D., a very important and historical year for Muslims. Ever wondered why you see so many Arab-Muslim owned stores called 7-Eleven ...