Every Rising pull yourself up to your full height and stand tall. Then think tall–think big, elevated thoughts. Then go out and act tall. Do that and joy will flow to you.
''A butterfly does not wonder how it can stop being a caterpillar. It simply feels some feeling from within that tells it: isolate yourself in this cocoon and grow within it. It trusts that feeling. When it comes out, it is radiant and beautiful. All the little bug did, was follow its nature. You are ...
⚡Affirmations for the 7 Chakras ⚡ ❤️ Root Chakra Affirmation: “I am grounded, peaceful, protected and secure in my body, and in life.” Sacral Chakra Affirmation: “I am creative, open, and passionate about life's experiences.” Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmation: “I am successful, and positively empowered to bring my best to all situations.” ...