“It’s A Gift”

Inner Work: When we think about obstacles, we think of annoying, inconvenient blocks that prevent us from getting to our desired destination. But the truth is that obstacles are a gift, not a curse. Whatever obstacle is appearing in your life right now IS your spiritual path, your way toward more freedom, joy, and peace. Spiritual ...
“Infinite Energy”

Do you know how much energy, how many powers, how many forces are still lurking behind that frame of yours? What scientist has known all that is WITHIN MAN/WOMAN? Millions of years have passed since man first came here, and yet but one infinitesimal part of his powers has been manifested. Therefore, you must not say ...

Tuannu Sekhmet NTRT. Honor to you Great Mother of Healing. Giver of Light. Mother of Dread. Keeper of the Divine Laws. Overcomer of All Enemies. Lady of the Waters of Life. Destroyer by Plagues and Fire. Dua Sekhmet Great One of Magic and Healing. We give thank for your many gifts to us. Thank you ...
“Dua Sekhmet”

Anetch Hrak Ra and Raet. Anetch Hrak Ptah and Sekhmet. Dua Sekhmet Lady of Flames. The Great Defender. Overcomer of All Enemies. Yaa Sekhmet Protectress of the Neteru. Mighty One of Terror. She Before Whom evil trembles. Warrior Neteru. Come forth Great One. Bring fire to those who work to destroy the earth. Bring fire ...