“Emotions Are Neutral”

All emotions are neutral. They have no meaning other than the meanings we assign to them. An emotion is like a burst of energy that quickly circulates around the mind and body, indicating that there is an imbalance that needs to be brought into balance. The moment you experience a burst of emotionally charged energy, ...


Every day, every hour, every minute, every second, YOU get to decide whether you will embrace spiritual light or darkness, whether you will choose strength or weakness, hope or helplessness. You are extremely powerful, you must remember this. You are capable. You are gifted. And this world needs you right now. ~James Weeks

“Takes 1”

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These things people call amazing coincidences, synchronicity, small miracles—this is the way the world is supposed to work. It is only that the world is in slumber, like a sleeping person who does not see, does not hear, does not speak—so that nothing distinguishes his head from his feet, his heart from his brain. So too, the ...

“Read It Again”

Your Soul Travelled from a Powerful Energetic Field to Operate as an Avatar in this here 3rd Dimension. There is Electricity, Water, and many Cosmic Elements streaming through your Veins, while Oxygen flows to your Heart. No Batteries are necessary because we are Solar Powered Beings charging our Electrons in Sun Rays. Energy never dies ...

“Count Em”

You can lose a child or a parent, the love of your life, a good job, a game, a deal, a bet, an idea, your favorite thing, money, your best friend, a moment, an opportunity, a chance, your keys, your mind, your health, your identity, your virginity. Your religion, your shirt, your license, ID or passport, ...