Love isn’t passive. Love requires action. Instead of “What have you done for me lately?”, love asks “What have I done for you lately?” Love is not silent and it’s never indifferent. Love makes its presence known. It is passionate, fervent, committed, and in it for the long haul. Most of all, love is what ...
YOU must forgive those who hurt YOU, even if whatever they did to YOU is unforgivable in YOUR mind. YOU will forgive them not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because YOU don't want to suffer and hurt YOURSELF every time YOU remember what they did to YOU. Forgiveness is for YOUR own mental healing. Forgiveness ...
“Beyond Measure”
We are powerful beyond measure, and so deeply vulnerable at the same time. This may seem like a dichotomy, but it isn’t. We have misunderstood real power. It has been something assertive, nonsurrendering, pushing on through. This is not real power. This is simply willfulness. Real power is something else—receptivity, vulnerability, the courage to keep ...
Resonance is the song of the Two. The Two supports the One, but the Two is the true power behind the One. In all things Two completes the circuit of love, through balance and bidirectional intentions. Filtering the idea through the One limits the potential for multidimensional expressions, so the One must lead and follow ...
“Not A Entity”
"The separate self is not an entity; it is an activity: the activity of thinking and feeling that our essential nature of pure Awareness shares the limits and the destiny of the body and mind.'' -Rupert Spira artwork by Daniel Watts
“Cause & Effect”
“In every generation, and on each day, we need to envision as if we are leaving Egypt (slavery)” Inwardly, slavery, and being enslaved means to live as the Effect of life, and not its Cause. If someone insults you, and you feel hurt that you are living the ‘effect’ of someone else’s choice, but if ...
Lets clear 3 Great Terms in Explanation = Vibration, Frequency and Polarity Vibration , What is Vibration? Everything we experience is based on vibration, everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. In physics vibration refers to the rhythmic oscillation of particles of wave like energies. In physics the rate of vibration, meaning how fast or ...
“Repair Creation”
"When you see something that is broken, fix it. When you find something that is lost, return it. When you see something that needs to be done, do it. In that way, you will take care of your world and repair creation."
As the world splits in two, those of higher consciousness will see the New Earth of peace, beauty, telepathy, healing, and unimaginable paradise. 5D consciousness awaits those of spiritual maturity. Those of the lower vibrational consciousness will see an Earth of war, poverty, disasters, and fear, stuck in endless ignorance of 3D consciousness. What you see on ...
“Heart And Mind”
Having a rigid heart & mind blocks off higher knowledge that is given by the cosmos. Learning to breathe and be in the moment opens up waves of information to better one's life. Finding your lfe purpose empowers oneself and opens doors of creativity. The reason why our ancestors invented so much was due to the fact ...