“Flower Of Life”

The Flower of Life is the solar plexus of Earth and from it spirit flows holding Earth in form. The same spirit is in man as in Earth, only different in quantity. Man is dual in polarity. And when one pole becomes unbalanced, the equilibrium of the body is shaken and sickness and death appear. Perfect balancing ...

“Radiant Beauty”

The radiance of your True Beauty begins within your “heart and mind”. Strive to Beautify your inner-self, then watch it’s glow radiate to the surface of your physical, and beyond. Just as surely as you allow this Beauty to emanate out from you, it shall surely return to you. Goddesses attract Gods. And Queens attract ...

“Another Reality”

What if your perception of this reality is actually another being in another reality peering back and you can’t see it yet... What if all you have been told to see is actually a fractal of conditioning creating a wired pulse of projected images Showing what it wants. Would you know? Would you recognize when ...

“Mondey Manifestations”

Eye am manifesting that in the future, there’s a beautiful home within my vision, with windows big enough for me to relax and watch the sunset every evening. Eye also know that my heart will be clear, my mind will also be peace & my family close to me. ✨Happy Mondey✨

“Equally Yoked With pt2”

These people shouldn’t merge with those who live with intention. They must be prepared to unlearn, rebirth and live righteously in accordance to the divine and their own personal destiny. Those who are focused on their purpose view the world differently, but their biggest downfall is misjudging the intentions of others and lowering their guard ...

“Equally Yoked With pt.1”

Surround yourself with those who you’re equally yoked with. This rule is written in many ancient books and the lesson is still prevalent today. Do not mix in the company of those who live a life unbalanced to yours. In life you will align with many different souls, some will compliment your existence and add ...