It is quite challenging to experience your true power as a being if your primary or only perspective is Earth-based. Expand your consciousness into a higher truth. In actuality, you are a citizen of the cosmos. When you accept yourself at that higher level, everything changes. So much moor becomes instantly available to you when you ...
“Know Your Vibe Tribe”
“People that enable your unconscious, self-inflicted suffering are not your true friends.” ~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous) 🇲🇦✨Happy Holy Dey✨🇲🇦 True friends help you to stay on the strait and narrow by offering helpful ways to overcome your attachments, addictions, victim mentality, negative beliefs, and harmful behaviors. They encourage you to examine yourself from a detached, higher ...
“The True Self”
“The True Self does not become enlightened; there is just an unveiling of the Self. The one behind the veil is the Self, the one that is lifting the veil (to reveal the Self) is the Self.” -Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
“Power Of I Am”
Our reality is shaped by the self-defining beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our sense of purpose in the world. Unconscious belief-systems beginning with ‘I AM’ statements form a script for our lives that define and limit what we believe we are capable of manifesting for ourselves in the world. Who you believe yourself ...
“Start Over”
“In order to free your mind from the social-matrix, you must be willing to dump the bad software (mind bugs) from your hard drive (body-mind avatar) and start over from the beginners mind (zero-point field). The only way ‘out’ is from within, KNOW THY SELF (as All-That-Is Consciousness)." -Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
“Power Of Letting Go”
“Life is an endless cycle of holding on and letting go. All things (thoughts, people, places, objects, situations, etc.) have an expiration date and will eventually come to pass. Enjoy the momentary show of phenomenal appearances in the field of time that arise in the vast space of your changeless awareness. Be thankful for all ...
“Daily Priority”
Your spiritual awakening is your greatest ally during these difficult times. It is specifically designed to shift your consciousness from identifying as your physical body (which is a highly vulnerable state) to experiencing yourself as the infinite, cosmic being that you are. This is where your power is. Make your awakening a priority that you support ...
The energies are quite calm right mow so we can relax a bit and gather our strength that we will need for the upcomming lion’s gate portal. The actual date of the portal is 8.8.2020, but the activations happen from the 26th of July until August 12th. Eye can feel that this year’s portal will be ...
“Practice Manifestations”
We don’t talk enough about how important imagination is to the practice of manifestation. we’re quick to downplay it as day-dreaming or something to be embarrassed about, but it is vital to learn how to use your imagination to aid your practice. imagination is the co-creative space between you and the universe, it’s where you ...
“Look Nside”
“Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.” ~ Rumi