May you truly overstand & accept & walk in your Power ✨Aśe
The persona is the mask we wear in relation to the world and others. It is created through a combination of socialization, societal expectations, one’s experience of the world, and the natural attributes and tendencies of the individual. It combines elements of how we want to see ourselves, ideally, and how we want the world ...
Everyday you have an opportunity to get things right. It’s like groundhogs day. We’re on the edge of eternity with infinite possibilities. Do you tap into your holographic conjuring interface called the mind. The universe is waiting to react. You send ripples with every thought. Who told you your dreams have to be simple and ...
Raaalute ☀️ Invest in yourself. Meditate. Read. Eat healthy electric foods. Drink alkaline water. Move your body. Spend time in nature. Rest up. You are worthy. You send out an energetic field that affects the world around you. With that Heart energy you have the power to change your world. One small conscious decision can change your ENTIRE biochemical ...
The western world created the alien concept and made it up, but who did they steal their idea from ? We are the aliens, that the westerners put in the movie scripts. Head elongation is %100 Moorish culture. Ever notice all these so called “aliens” all have A moorish head elongation in common? Look at all ...
Everything you ever seen, is tied down to Moorish history. Let’s look at the picture: The movie “Aliens” made in 1978. The alien character is based off ancient moorish traditions of elongated heads. No such thing as an out of space alien. Euro pseudo television, just like they invented Dinosaurs, they invented Aliens. Whatever culture they didn’t understand ...
Infinite Light Beings. Consider — Anything that can bend will eventually bend and cease being straight if that was its initial state. Therefore, the only way for something to remain straight for a long time with all the environmental uncertainty created by nature is for it to be extremely rigid, not flexible. So you end up ...
Rise up & electrify the day! You hold the divine pen to rewrite and create your life the way you choose - how you choose in each moment of each “day”! You’re worthy of it. Be aware when you’re literally giving away your sacred energy to outside sources rather than harnessing, expanding, and creating with ...
Anytime you get stingy or greedy with anything (love, attention, money), it lowers your vibration and it feels bad. In fact, anytime you attach your happiness to something outside of yourself, it leaves you feeling the opposite of how you want to feel. The antidote is to be generous. Whatever you want moor of in your ...