
Breathe and let things be… we simply cannot control everything and we can tear ourselves apart physically and mentally worrying about things that are completely out of our control..So breathe and just let it be for todey…what will be will be. Don’t spoil your todey’s worrying about yesterdey or tomorrow.

“1 Of A Kind”

Your light is one of a kind. Honor it. Honor your gifts. Don't hide who you are. Don't hide your beautiful and extraordinary glow from the world, tucking away the very thing that makes you unique. You see, you are supposed to be YOU in this universal dance. So let your divine light shine and ...


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The word inflammation comes from the Latin word "inflammo," meaning "I set alight, I ignite."When something harmful or irritating affects a part of our Body Temple, there is a biological response to try to remove it. The signs and symptoms of inflammation, specifically acute inflammation, show that the body is trying to heal itself. ...

“Reflect On 1440”

What wishes and dreams do your rituals carry to the heavens? ♨️Cleansing sage creates a sanctuary to reflect, rejuvenate and commune deeply with your Self. We can deepen our practices by adding ritual from a personal ancestral tradition, or by respectfully experimenting with one from a culture that resonates. Who knows? That resonance may be some ...

“Three 19”

Sending you love and blissings as we transition into this new year. Embrace the potential, open to the mystery, let go of what no longer serves, focus on what you want to create, step up, speak your truth, forgive, love fiercely. You are born for greatness...passion changes everything. 🇲🇦HHD🇲🇦 ✨Happy solar return papa🇲🇦 ✨Happy solar return mal 3-21🇲🇦