“Heaven is where you’ll be when you are okay right where you are.” ~Sun Ra
🇲🇦B.t.y is here to learn, & fulfill a small part of my duty by uplifting fallen humanity, spreading knowledge others passed down through generations & challenging lies about the important things in this transient world… A paramount truth, by doing only what eye am capable of… Eye have an obligation towards my readers & ...
☪️As we inhale, we fill our bodies with the oxygen needed to replenish our most basic physical needs, allowing the air to circulate within us.💫✨Exhaling, we release the stale, the used, the potentially toxic air, removing any blocks that may keep us from going deeper into the stillness that lies at our center where we ...
☪️Signs are always around us, it is our level of perception that enables us to notice them. From a butterfly landing on your shoulder, to overhearing a conversation that is relevant to your life, to thinking of someone from your past who suddenly calls you out of the blue are all examples of the way ...