“Last Two Months🇲🇦“

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🇲🇦💫No one can stop the sun from shining, nor the moon from rising. The Yorubas of West Africa sometimes say this. Tell yourself that nothing nor no one can stop you from winning. Tell yourself you cannot be denied. Tell yourself you deserve better & will achieve better. May you experience a positive shift in ...

“Esoteric Healing”

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As regards those who have passed into the light, whom you want to help, follow them with your love, remembering that they are still the same people, minus the outer limiting shroud of body. Serve them, but seek not that they should serve your need of them. Go to them, but seek not to bring ...

“Always Be Mindful”

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Thoughts become things. What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create. Your diet is not only what you eat. It is what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you spend time with, and the thoughts you subject yourself to. Always be mindful of ...

“Evolved Requires Evolved”

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Fake faces, bodies, & all that other stuff are written for someone else. That is low vibrational behavior and matrix thinking, & as an evolved man, I require a woman who keeps it real in more ways than one. She doesn’t have to always agree with me, but her understanding will always be apparent and ...

“Attract Better🇲🇦“

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☪️Desperate energy is so unattractive. The more that you step away from your higher self, the more you attract low frequency opportunities, bottom feeders, & bad energy. If you have to lower your frequency to get something or someone, you have to stay in the frequency to keep it (them). Please know this. Desperate energy ...

“Won’t Let Us Down💫”

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💫Those who are guiding you from the Spirit realm can hear you loud and clear. They know what you are going through. They know what you need. They know where you are going. Trust the guidance from your loved ones in Spirit. They will not let you down.🇲🇦 ~James Weeks

“Truth, Reality, Lies”

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The truth is you deserve more. The truth is you deserve better. The truth is love exists. The reality is you must do your part. The reality is that what you envision might take longer than you think. The reality is everyone cannot see your vision. The lie is that it's too late for you. ...

“By You”

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🇲🇦We must teach each other how to learn! To do so, we must first learn how to learn! Then learn how to help another learn. One can only teach what one has learned for themselves. In teaching, you learn even more. You learn how to teach and how to learn about teaching. Then how to ...

“Double Consciousness”

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A large percentage of our interactions with one another are superficial. In an effort to survive, we become someone else. We want others to know that we're different. At our jobs, we're nice, nonaggressive, and efficient out of fear. In our homes, we're angry and frustrated. We've been trained that way. The more useful we ...