🇲🇦Don't be embarrassed of your situation. Half of these people are covering up the same situations with filters and smiles. Make a plan, cut off distractions, stay focused and execute consistently. You'll make it. Eye promise.☪️
Detoxification is the practice of removing toxic substances, foods, materials, situations, habits, and even people from your life. When we go through a detoxification process, we’re honoring a vital stage of our inner growth and healing. While detoxification can be messy and stressful at first, it allows us to find more inner freedom and expansiveness. ...
Karma, the action of body, speech, and mind, affects every aspect of our life. It is one of the fundamental natural laws through which we create different realities. The law of karma refers to the law of cause and effect: that every act brings about a certain result. If we act motivated by greed, hatred, ...
Remember that you are energy and that you can transform energy. The energy you absorb can always be consciously purified and transformed into love. When the surroundings and the world feels dark, it is there to teach you about your own superpower and to help you to learn how to create even more light by ...
Remember, you are so incredibly strong! You are made of moonbeams, stardust, & sunlight - you are entirely unbreakable & you can handle anything! You have overcome so much!!! Heartbreak, drama, doubts, worries, & struggles in every area of your life & look you’re still here! With every obstacle you overcome you get stronger & ...
☪️🇲🇦This is the origin of said New Years Day, that was not observed until 1752 (New Years was always in Spring, when Nature becomes new again). This day marked the official defeat of the last stronghold of the Moors(You)…the Moorish Empire…In the year of their(Christians)lord 1492 the 1st day of January…The Julian Calendar was replaced ...