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Consistency: Consistency is purposeful repetition. It involves uniformity in thought, speech and action as a couple or family. Maintaining consistency in an Akoma relationship ensures growth and progress. Unified Fruit: An Akoma relationship will yield a unified crop to add to the harvest of the universal indigenous family. Ideally, we should join our resources be ...

“So Hum”

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💫So Hum - I am That. When you get caught up with labels, attributions and worldy perceptions of yourself, it is important to become mindful in the present moment, clear out all types of thoughts, and just feel that you are. By chanting "so" with every inhale, and "hum" with every exhale you become very ...


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✨Mighty Rising Wonderful Melanin Goddesses and Gods… Place the Importance of the Rise of the Melanin Nation within your Mind, Body, & Spirit and start to ween off the Importance for Approval you might need to do so. No one shall speak of Our Behalf better than We Will, so let's come together & Rise ...