"Our feelings are another access point for the ancestors to communicate with us. If you have doubts about a friend, colleague or loved one, observe closely how you feel when with them. Are you exhausted when ending a phone conversation with them or energized and recommitted to your own path? Acknowledge and honor your true ...
If you know your energy is addictive learn how to be responsible with who you share yourself with because people who are mentally & emotionally broken will dislike you for being whole if they’re not able to have access to you. They need to be around you to revitalize their aura because they’re disconnected from ...
✨🇲🇦Happy Holy Dey🇲🇦✨ Within your energy body is the access to the creation templates of your existence that make all the miraculous normal. Know that you have been embedded into this earth school to recall who you are and access these soul gifts of magic to show the collective that we are beyond what we simply ...