“The Rose”

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"The rose (Rosicrucians) and the lotus are yonic emblems. The Brahmin and Egyptian initiates employed the lotus blossoms to represent the spinning vortices of spiritual energy located at various points along the spinal column and called chakras by the Hindus. The Orientals also used the lotus plant to signify the growth of man through the ...

“Life As A Garden”

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See your life as a garden… What do you want to flourish? To make the soil of our lives fertile for new things to grow, we need to weed, prune, and compost the old. So examine what areas of life need to be discarded, recycled, adjusted, cleared, or reimagined. “Manifesting” is a concept that essentially refers ...

“So Thankful🇲🇦”

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✌🏽🖐🏽🇲🇦Happy Holy Dey🇲🇦✌🏽🖐🏽 I manifest a peaceful life filled with balance and calm. My well-being is supported fully. I take joy in the little things and have gratitude for the abundance that surrounds me. I am so thankful for each day and open to blissings on their way to me.☪️

“This Moment”

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I am present in this moment. I choose to be clear and focused. I align with what I really want. In my clarity and focus I remember my power and my worth. I allow my blessings to flow to me. I receive with ease. I appreciate this moment of peace. ~Unknown

“Breath Reminder”

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It’s time to take a deep breath in and exhale it all. Breathe in positivity and exhale negativity. Take a second to focus not only on your physical breathing but also the reasons you do breathe and continue to. Remind yourself how special, how unique and how loved you are. Tell yourself you’re strong, you’re ...

“Aura Protection”

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Protect your aura and energetic frequency. It’s poor spiritual hygiene to grant everyone access to you. Stay vigilant. Remain centered. Honor the sacred art of privacy. Make them go through divine love and pure bliss to reach you.☪️

“Be Still”

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Be still. Even during turbulent times, you are being spiritually guided. Be strong, listen to what your heart is saying even if others do not understand. Be vigilant. This is not time for distractions. There is so much to do, so much to achieve.~ James Weeks