“Outer Trappings”

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"The goal of disengaging the self from the outer trappings is to realize that you are not your thoughts, your emotions, your body, your money, your career or your property. These things are part of your outer persona, but they are not the inner you. You would still be you if you lost any of ...


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Set aside time, each morning or evening, free to write whatever you feel like. It doesn’t have to be pages and pages for each entry, it could be as little as releasing what’s on your mind. Allow your stream of consciousness to flow, as it will enable you to dive deeper into your emotions and ...

“Don’t Fall”

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Unless you're watching something that will positively impact your life, you're most likely feeding your subconscious with garbage. If you feel depressed, have noticed a change in your morals or in the way you think, it could be because you're feeding yourself with the wrong things. This also applies to social media. You can choose ...