“Plants Are Spirits”

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Plants are spirits. I honor them as they too are my ancestors. You were here long before any other species and you will continue to live on after all of us ascend from earth. Pray to innerstand your healing capabilities. I pray to learn to gain more respect for your existence and the vital part you ...

“Open Your ❤️“

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🔥You are all healers. You are made of energy, frequency, and vibration, everything is, and you can heal with your hands. You are so much more than you can imagine. Take good care of yourself. You will be needed as our world changes. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Trust your open ...

“2 Mins🇲🇦“

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Meditate and clear your Mind, your Spirit before you're off on your way today. Take out 2 minutes to sit alone, Quiet,,,and whether you close your eyes or not it doesn't matter. What matter is you getting that alone, Quiet time with your InnerG(OD. Make this a Marvelous day Family, Rise, and Connect with your ...

“Your Origin”

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When You Fully Realize Your Origin Of Creation And You Understand The Power Of Your Soul, There Is No Thought, No Being, No Circumstance That Can Separate You From The Love Of God As The Infinite Source Of Life!

“Now Is The Time”

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You’re not pursuing what makes you passionate. Are you hesitating taking the next step? Hesitation out of fear of failure will result in failure. Now is the time to fully commit. The time for just dreaming about doing has passed. The spirits have blessed you with many gifts + simply going through the motions of life ...