“Thursdey Vibes🙏🏽”

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🙏🏽Affirmation of the Day: Today, I will be kinder to myself. I will not let anxiety take me down. I have come too far to let anxiety have the last word or convince me of things that aren’t real. My mind is calm. I give myself the same grace I give others. I don’t have ...

“Chah Peace🇲🇦“

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🇲🇦Happy Holy Dey Moslems🇲🇦"Do everything with a mind that lets go. If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom. Your struggles with the world will have ...

“Protect & Provide”

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🤲🏽Happy Monday Family✨ A woman’s touch can soften the Hardest man. Man cannot survive without woman, he needs to have something to protect and provide for someone, to lift him up, to love him like only a woman can. A man can never reach his full potential without woman.