“This Moment”

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I am present in this moment. I choose to be clear and focused. I align with what I really want. In my clarity and focus I remember my power and my worth. I allow my blessings to flow to me. I receive with ease. I appreciate this moment of peace. ~Unknown

“Breath Reminder”

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It’s time to take a deep breath in and exhale it all. Breathe in positivity and exhale negativity. Take a second to focus not only on your physical breathing but also the reasons you do breathe and continue to. Remind yourself how special, how unique and how loved you are. Tell yourself you’re strong, you’re ...

“Aura Protection”

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Protect your aura and energetic frequency. It’s poor spiritual hygiene to grant everyone access to you. Stay vigilant. Remain centered. Honor the sacred art of privacy. Make them go through divine love and pure bliss to reach you.☪️

“Be Still”

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Be still. Even during turbulent times, you are being spiritually guided. Be strong, listen to what your heart is saying even if others do not understand. Be vigilant. This is not time for distractions. There is so much to do, so much to achieve.~ James Weeks

“Outer Trappings”

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"The goal of disengaging the self from the outer trappings is to realize that you are not your thoughts, your emotions, your body, your money, your career or your property. These things are part of your outer persona, but they are not the inner you. You would still be you if you lost any of ...


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Set aside time, each morning or evening, free to write whatever you feel like. It doesn’t have to be pages and pages for each entry, it could be as little as releasing what’s on your mind. Allow your stream of consciousness to flow, as it will enable you to dive deeper into your emotions and ...