“Aura Awareness”

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Your aura cannot be hidden. This is energy that radiates from you unconsciously. People will either love or hate you based on the character you exhibit, which is a manifestation of the aura you emit. If people are attracted to you and want to be with you, there is no way you can change that. ...

“Get Out”

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Get out of situations that stress you out or cause you discomfort. Drop those who no longer align with you. Release those who don't rise to meet you at your highest self. Looking forward to the growth I achieve when I go through my next phase of leveling up.


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Women; the portal to life on the physical plane! Powerful women are an integral part of our society. They bring strength, courage, and wisdom to the realm literally. Take a moment to recognize their contributions and empower their voices. The more we encourage and celebrate their unique gifts and abilities, the more our world will ...

“World Of Duality”

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We live in a world of duality and multidimensionality, where one can explore the power of belief, ancient wisdom, and technology to gain insight into the realms of existence. From the power of love, to the rigors of knowing, to the power of story and aesthetic, we can ascend and descend to a higher level ...