“Stop 🛑”

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☪️Happy Tuesday🇲🇦 🇲🇦Stop underestimating yourself. Silence your inner critic and crush negativity by asking “Why not me?” and fueling your ambition with confidence. You got this! Stop waiting… and go after what you want now.☪️

“Greater Things🇲🇦”

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✨Happy Venus Day✨ 🇲🇦Spiritual awakening is often glamorized on social media, but many times it is a painful process. It involves us removing the false perceptions we have of ourselves & reality, and becoming reborn in consciousness. You will feel fear, confusion, & you may question reality itself. You will be alone. You will lose friends. Things ...

“Be True”

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✨Happy Jupiter Dey🤲🏽Be true to yourself by honoring that small inner voice that will lead you to the life you were created for - one of liberation and knowledge. Follow what it tells you, don’t be afraid of its guidance - it may be the only encouragement that leads you down a path of self ...


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🕯️Happy Mercury Day🙏🏽 “We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. That is to understand Zen.” ~ Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki

“One of One”

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✨Happy Mars Day✨ Comparing yourself to others can be quite detrimental to your overall wellbeing, not only due to the negative emotions it can elicit, it can also create a lack of appreciation for your unique and irreplaceable contribution that you make to this world. When you look at those around you and start to compare ...

“Self Work🇲🇦”

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🖐🏽✌🏽Happy Holy Dey🖐🏽✌🏽 🕯️Happy Venus Day✨ 🇲🇦You can’t just think yourself to a new life. That’s the first step, but in order to truly transform your life you must BECOME a new person on an inner level. This means you have to completely change your energetic relationship with the universe. A lot of people subconsciously block their ...

“Stay Conscious”

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🕯️Happy Jupiter Day🕯️ 🙏🏽Happy Thursday🤲🏽 ✨Stay mindful of present moments, and acknowledge positive and negative emotions that come from within and from the environment around you. Being conscious and sober is a path to self-consciousness and self-fulfillment, a way to stay healthily connected with yourself, the world, and have a deeper understanding of the significance of life. ...

“Break Free”

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🕯️Happy Mercury Day🕯️ 🙏🏽Happy Wednesday🤲🏽At the end of the day, only you can decide what is best for you. Don't give this power away. If what you've been doing isn't helping you to feel free, let it go. If what you've been doing, isn't helping you to be empowered, let it go. If what you've been ...