When eye get to the next realm
Please celebrate…
Do a little candle light,
And make sure you say a piece
From my website,
Take the time out and read it all,
It’s a gift from my spirit
That eye left for y’all,
My energy is something that can’t be
Reciprocated at all,
When my solar return come around
Make sure you all gather around,
And if you can’t
Eye ain’t mad y’all,
Eye had to float away &
Eye will see u again one dey,
My job here is done,
Eye saw my fate,
Everything eye wrote was strategic
Remember the italics when you see it,
A message of its own,
Eye am one of one
Never a clone,
Eye am in a zone,
Knew that eye will make a way,
My mental and spirit
Is similar to Rome,
So you know it wasn’t built
In a dey…
Trust & Embrace You
Written By Kingbty EL

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