The energies are quite calm right mow so we can relax a bit and gather our strength that we will need for the upcomming lion’s gate portal. The actual date of the portal is 8.8.2020, but the activations happen from the 26th of July until August 12th.
Eye can feel that this year’s portal will be the strongest since 2012. This year‘s cosmic alignment will be so important for the creation of the new earth. High frequency energy and light codes coming in, expansion, levelling up in consciousness.
Big time! Rest and relax as much as you can. Action time follows soon. We will be aligning with the divine truth and receiving many downloads from Sirius. It will be all about new beginnings and start of a new cycle for the collective/humanity. Can you feel the freshness in the energies that will come in?
A feeling of knowing that everything will be good, that shifts will happen that we cannot expect because we cannot even imagine them happening. Surprises. Magical shifts. Dreams coming true in a new way.

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